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Photoshop ICC Soft Proofing

This soft proof tutorial is available only for RGB pictures.

Carefully, follow each step listed below to adjust your photos in Photoshop for the best results by using our ICC profiles.

1. Download and install the ICC Profiles:

After you have downloaded the desired profile, you have to import it.

MAC OS X: Copy files to the Folder /Library/ColorSync/Profiles
Windows: Right-click on the file and select "Install Profile"

2. Start from the original image.

3. Click on Image>Mode and select RGB Color

4. For best result the image should have Adobe RGB profile assigned. Click on Edit>Convert to Profile...

5. Under the Destination Space tab, select Adobe RGB (1998) as profile

6. Click on View>Proof Setup>Custom...

7. After that, a Customize Proof Condition window will come up. Under the Proof Conditions tab, select the ICC profile that you want to simulate (depending on the material you’ll choose for printing). Please don't forget to check: Black Point Compensation, Simulate Paper Color and Simulate Black Ink.

8. Select your desired ICC profile from the list.

Now that you know how to adjust your image correctly you can order your print at ZOR.

If you don’t use Lightroom, please check our Lightroom soft proofing tutorial