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Use Aluminium for Your Travel Photos

What's worse than the hangover that comes after an epic vacation? Well, an actual hangover, but also combing through the hundreds of photos you took while on vacation so you can post them on social media, or print and display them around your house. You're cultured after all.

Before you get too overwhelmed by options, there are some photo printing techniques you should consider. Now that we're so digitally savvy, there's a slew of ways to print your photos to make them as vibrant, interesting, and versatile as you’d like.

One of the best materials in photo printing, Alu-Dibond, can be used to print a series of cool household items - no more of the stereotypical collage photos for you this time.

If you use Alu-Dibond for your travel photos, you'll have a keepsake that will remind you to take a breather every once in a while and keep it in mind for your next destination.

The Forms Your Aluminium/Dibond Can Take

Your travel photos don't just have to be posted on the wall. They can be kept in places you'd least expect. For some inspiration, here are some of the forms Alu-Dibond can take. You can plan your photo project accordingly.

Make Your Photos Truly a Part of Your Home

Forget worrying about nails and holes in the wall. You can make your photo the wall if you wish. Maybe you're not so into that idea. What we mean is that you can print your photos large enough that they can become a part of your home, rather than just an accessory to it

You can try printing your photo large enough that it can be attached to the physical wall or another accessory in your home. This is an extra special way to treasure those destination landscapes for a long time. A mural isn't just for paintings. This is a way to create an art piece in your space.

Whatever medium you choose, make sure to print your photo on aluminium.