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Inspiration for Living Room Decoration

Has it been a long while since you redecorated your living room? Are you looking for creative inspiration for a new living space? There are a few easy ways to transform your living room so that it feels more personal, as well as cozier! You deserve it.

Speaking of creative, you can redecorate in ways that are vastly different from the norm, truly making your space one of a kind. Your living room is a compilation of the vibes you want your entire house to have. It's where you will most likely host guests, gather for holidays, and relax. You'll want to pay special attention to this room and the accouterments within it.

Coffee Table Upgrade

If you don't have the time, the funds, or the strength to upgrade arguably the focal point of your living room - the couch, then you'll want to redecorate with the next best thing - the coffee table! If you don't currently have a coffee table, shame on you. But then, that's okay. It would be a welcomed addition to your living room.

However creative or classic you want to go with your coffee table is up to you. For example, a shabby chic version of the coffee table can come in the form of an old trunk with a smooth surface, or an antique wooden shipping crate. For a more stereotypical coffee table with an antique edge, you can always comb through antique or estate sales. You can find some unique items (that are also affordable) at consignment and thrift stores.

Your coffee table can be as quirky or as classic as you like, but be aware that your coffee table is a fundamental part of your living room’s overall decor.

Add or Update Your Rugs

Another way to transform your bathroom is by replacing lighting fixtures. Get rid of the old overhead lighting and try to be creative! You can hang a simple chandelier instead, or add small lamps that will add a softer light to the room. This will also be advantageous while getting ready in the morning or turning down at night. Bright lights won't blind you or bathed in an unflattering one.

A rug is a lovely piece to add to your living room. Much like your coffee table, a beautiful rug can be a real statement in the room. It's also a way to keep your floors protected from scuffs and scratches.

Depending on the size of your coffee table and the size of your living room, you'll want a rug that's reasonably large to cover the space it needs to. Alternately, you can also use multiple rugs for a more homey and deconstructed look.

Add Art or Photos

Adding art and photos is a way to individualize the space you live in, while adding warmth and ingenuity to it. Art can be anything from prints to paintings to sculpture. Art can add life to your living room through its presence, and can be a great conversation topic for you and future guests.

In relation to photos, there are several ways in which you can display pictures other than just in a frame. You can put your photo on acrylic, which will make it more vibrant. You can also set your desired photo on forex, where it won’t even need a frame to support it.